Wednesday, 22 January 2025
Experimentalism can refer to the state of philosophy, or a particular music style. If you are looking for the philosophical term, please bear in mind this is the incorrect article for use.
Experimental music is any music that challenges the commonly accepted notions of what music is. There is an overlap with avant-garde music. John Cage was a pioneer in experimental music and defined and gave credibility to the form. David Cope (1997), describes experimental music as that, "which represents a refusal to accept the status quo."
One important movement in contemporary music involves expanding the range of gestures available to instrumentalists, for example the work of George Crumb. The Kronos Quartet has been among the most active ensembles in promoting contemporary works for string quartet, and they take delight in music which stretches the manner in which sound can be drawn out of instruments.
Olsen, Lance - Cafe Zeitgeist - site:
Information on alternative fiction, including SF, the Avant-Pop, postmodernism, experimentalism, and transgressive fiction.
The Times: Brian Eno and J Peter Schwalm - site:,,342-118900,00.html
Drawn From Life - Review by Nigel Williamson, 3 stars. "...these 13 tracks from Eno cannot really be described as songs, but neither does the term "instrumental" begin to convey their atmospheric, pulse-driven experimentalism."
Souto, Diego - site:
Industry, experimentalism and obscure dance patterns give shape to this avant garde chapman stick player's music.
Derek Bailey, "Improvisation: Its Nature and Practice" (1980)
John Cage, "Experimental Music" and "Experimental Music: Doctrine", in Silence (Wesleyan University Press, 1961)
Experimental Musical Instruments - a periodical (no longer published) devoted to experimentalmusic and instruments
Thomas B. Holmes, Electronic and Experimental Music: Pioneers in Technology and Composition (2002)
Michael Nyman, Experimental Music, Cage and Beyond (Cambridge University Press, 1974)
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